
The Friends have been unwavering advocates of the Missouri Breaks Monument since the Monument was established in 2001. We encourage our members and other concerned citizens to speak up about protecting our central Montana prairies and badlands, as well as the Wild and Scenic River. We’ve organized our members to write comments, send letters, contact elected officials, attend public meetings and rallies — all to make sure their voices are heard about protecting our lands and waters in the area.
Protecting the values of the Monument
The Friends work to ensure that the BLM protects the things the Monument was created to protect as identified in the 2001 Monument Proclamation. These “objects of the Monument" include some of the last intact cottonwood forests in the Great Plains, wildlife from prairie birds to big game, teepee rings, the Nez Perce National Historic Trail, abandoned homesteads, and campsites and lookouts used by the Lewis and Clark Expedition more than 200 years ago. We work with our members and other partners to make sure that all of BLM’s management decisions protect the values of the Monument.